Rich Mullins was a pretty radical guy. Everyone should go to wikiquote and read the whole page of stuff by him. I just did, and it was pretty cool :) Here's one though.
I’m all the time being asked by people, ‘How do ya feel closer to God.’ And I kinda always want to say ‘I don’t know.’ When I read the lives of most of the great saints they didn’t necessarily feel very close to God. When I read the Psalms I get the feeling like David and the other Psalmists felt quite far away from God for most of the time. Closeness to God is not about feelings, closeness to God is about obedience… I don’t know how you feel close to God. And no one I know that seems to be close to God knows anything about those feelings either. I know if we obey occasionally the feeling follows, not always, but occasionally. I know that if we disobey we don’t have a shot at it.
- Rich Mullins. (July 19, 1997)
I just think there's a lot of truth in this. It's real, and it speaks to me. Life isn't feelings. Following God absolutely cannot be based on your feelings. I wish though haha
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Life and prayers
Hey all,
Snow is falling outside now. Not my favorite event, but stoked to have a warm home! Especially because a month ago I was seriously considering living in a heavy duty tent for the winter. Yup, this is better.
Hedog is a fun place to live. Best of all, we all have dogs! Today, Copper and I had a surprise visitor. This little pup came wandering over to our place, so Copper said, "aw, come on in pal". I figured the best thing to do when trying not to get attached is to give the stray a name, so "Daisy" had breakfast with us. Then she wandered back (hopefully) to her home.
My life, like I tell you guys, is very blessed. I still have a sweet job teaching, and I even was offered a full-time one year contract. So that should go through soon, and then I can receive a temporary teaching certificate. Pretty sweet that SD doesnt require an ED degree :). My favorite part of teaching by far is getting my students to think about real questions. Last week we discussed racism (launched off WW2 internment camps) and what genocide reveals to us about human nature (launched off the holocaust). Such a sweet opportunity I have been given to be with these kids.
Guys, sometimes I get way too stressed on little stuff. Or offended. Or too worried what people think. I was praying today for God to pull me up above that and to give me his mind and heart for the people/situations around me. Jesus gave us some exceedingly precious promises in his word, and I SO want to see these things play out! Stuff like answered prayers, changed hearts, transformed lives... I want it for me, and I especially want it for the super dear friends I have. A lot of Jesus' promises were centered on faith.... "believe in me, and.....". Father, give me faith. Father let me be a person who thinks deeply about you and those around you, and who drinks deeply from your living water.
Tonight, my awesome neighbor Melanie and I are having a bunch of kids over to watch a movie. Lord of the Rings. Mike Moran, I wish you were here. Should be really fun.
For those of you who read this and pray, I would love to have your prayers for the kids and adults around me and especially for my own heart, that it would be so faithful to its calling. I need those prayers a lot. Thanks so much guys!
This is a picture I found from last month when we went down to Merritt Dam for the day. Love it :)
Cheers everyone, and thanks for reading!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Mountain Spaniel
No offense to all 100 or so roommates I've previously had, but Copper is my favorite. We don't have chairs yet, or a lot of dishes, so pretty much all our meal times look like this.
Usually He wins.
Now that I live so close to Parmelee, it's a lot easier to go visit friends, provided I'm not at school till 9 at night. On some of the best days of my life, I get to walk around town, share my longboard, and watch as Copper makes lots of friends, mostly under the age of 12. Who are all amazing. Those times often look like this.
I'm super stoked and feel super blessed that I've gotten to have sweet conversations with a bunch of kids at school too. I don't remember having a lot of really real talks with my teachers in school, but I've been able to have some with my students here. I love it so much. What helps is, a bunch of the kids at our school are legitimately super cool. Last weekend I got to go camping with a few friends from school, and rock climbing out in the Black Hills. That was really really fun. This South Dakota is growing on me. That looked like this.
Three super great friends. So lucky to have them. And we climbed some gnarly spots at Falling Rock Canyon! On this trip I realized that Copper isn't a springer spaniel.... He's a Mountain Spaniel.
Mountain Spaniel at rest.
If today was a snow day I would write more.... but its just a late start, so I got to go. Today, if he braved the snow, an Army recruiter is talking to my classes. Really glad I could connect that for my students. Hoping a lot will be inspired.
Love you guys!
See ya!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
So, it's been awhile haha.... and there have been very many happenings since I last wrote you guys.
Work - Teaching is still great. I have had really good opportunities to connect with kids one on one, and have very solid conversations about things that matter. I am blessed.
Home - About 2 weeks ago, I found a note on the trailer I was staying (squatting) in, from the owner. She politely told me that my home was actually her home and it was going to be pulled away soon. So, me and Copper packed up our stuff in the Outback and headed over to our good friends' house, where we couch surfed for about a week. It was actually really nice, and Copper had some friends to hang with all day.
Long story short, we now have a really sweet house in HeDog, about 5 minutes from Parm and 25 from school. It's awesome to finally be able to unpack haha... and my awesome friend Emily gave me a whole bunch of sweet furniture. Bam.
Having a house so close to Parmelee is great, mostly because I can go there more often, but also mostly because I can have friends from town over to my place. Last weekend kids were over every day, which was super cool.
Last weekend I also had some very special visitors, Charlotte and Irena- two of the greatest girls ever. Super great to see both of them, and really nice of them to make the trip. Irena even helped me with grading. I'm pretty blessed.
Learning - I have been learning things. For one, about contentment. This realization came not so much through learning, but through realizing how bad I am at being content (getting frustrated too easily). For example, say your home gets pulled away and you're homeless- it's not worth getting worked up over. There are other places. Or, if a school district, say, sort of reverses what they have been telling you all along about helping you become a full teacher, and decides they might rather just have you work as a much lesser paid sub and let you go whenever they want (but I still have a job for awhile, maybe all year) - not really a big deal. I am so far away, but I so much desire to learn to take things in perspective and remember what's important. And what's important is faith, grace, and love in action.
But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. - I Timothy 6
So Parmelee is still one of my most favorite places on earth. I will end with a really happy story. A couple weeks ago I had a free Saturday. First off I got to go to Parmelee and help a really sweet girl who has been sick make up some of her homework from the middle school. Great start to the day. After that I was able to load Copper, Elliot his dog friend, and three awesome boys from 7 to about 11 years old into the wagon and head south to Merritt Dam, this sweet place with big sandy beaches. We ate Mcdonalds, swam, played fetch, and got buried in the sand. Two of them told me it was the greatest day ever. Fulfilled :)
You guys are the best. I will try to blog more. I know at least someone will read them all (thanks mom).
Cheers everyone.
Work - Teaching is still great. I have had really good opportunities to connect with kids one on one, and have very solid conversations about things that matter. I am blessed.
Home - About 2 weeks ago, I found a note on the trailer I was staying (squatting) in, from the owner. She politely told me that my home was actually her home and it was going to be pulled away soon. So, me and Copper packed up our stuff in the Outback and headed over to our good friends' house, where we couch surfed for about a week. It was actually really nice, and Copper had some friends to hang with all day.
Long story short, we now have a really sweet house in HeDog, about 5 minutes from Parm and 25 from school. It's awesome to finally be able to unpack haha... and my awesome friend Emily gave me a whole bunch of sweet furniture. Bam.
Having a house so close to Parmelee is great, mostly because I can go there more often, but also mostly because I can have friends from town over to my place. Last weekend kids were over every day, which was super cool.
Last weekend I also had some very special visitors, Charlotte and Irena- two of the greatest girls ever. Super great to see both of them, and really nice of them to make the trip. Irena even helped me with grading. I'm pretty blessed.
Learning - I have been learning things. For one, about contentment. This realization came not so much through learning, but through realizing how bad I am at being content (getting frustrated too easily). For example, say your home gets pulled away and you're homeless- it's not worth getting worked up over. There are other places. Or, if a school district, say, sort of reverses what they have been telling you all along about helping you become a full teacher, and decides they might rather just have you work as a much lesser paid sub and let you go whenever they want (but I still have a job for awhile, maybe all year) - not really a big deal. I am so far away, but I so much desire to learn to take things in perspective and remember what's important. And what's important is faith, grace, and love in action.
But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. - I Timothy 6
So Parmelee is still one of my most favorite places on earth. I will end with a really happy story. A couple weeks ago I had a free Saturday. First off I got to go to Parmelee and help a really sweet girl who has been sick make up some of her homework from the middle school. Great start to the day. After that I was able to load Copper, Elliot his dog friend, and three awesome boys from 7 to about 11 years old into the wagon and head south to Merritt Dam, this sweet place with big sandy beaches. We ate Mcdonalds, swam, played fetch, and got buried in the sand. Two of them told me it was the greatest day ever. Fulfilled :)
You guys are the best. I will try to blog more. I know at least someone will read them all (thanks mom).
Cheers everyone.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Another post!
So, I
need to get better at blog updating. Once
a week, that’s my goal. Ah well, some is better than none. I’ve been doing a lot of teaching the last
couple weeks, and I actually feel like I’m getting the hang of it a bit
more. Things are settling in a bit for
me, which has meant I haven’t needed to
spend quite so long working on stuff after school every day. So that’s encouraging. Another good thing with teaching, is that the
school has given me sort of a consultant to help me learn how to develop lesson
plans, since I really have been learning as I go. It’s a friend of mine, Dylan, who taught out
here for a few years but now is doing grad school. He is going to be sending me ideas and
materials. Should be really helpful, and
he’s a super cool guy.
since my last post, I got to lead worship at the church in Parmelee. I haven’t lead on guitar in a few years, so
it was pretty cool to be able to step back into that. And I think it will be good for the people
there, because prior to me worship was on a tape recorder. So, I’m thankful for the opportunity to help
out! I’ll probably be doing that almost
every week. I love that place. I got
to be a part of their alcoholics recovery group last Tuesday too, which was a
pretty beautiful thing. A bunch of people
who have realized they can’t do it on their own, and are trusting in someone
greater than themselves to help them.
Who realize that they need each other, and that helping each other is
one of the first ways to help themselves.
Pretty cool.
As I write
this, I am just getting over the flu. I
missed school yesterday for it. Not the
most fun night of my life. But this
time, I can totally see God teaching me something through it. I was being way too busy friends. I mean, this last week, I would be at school
for ten hours, which can tire me out, and then I would drive straight to
Parmelee. I didn’t make time for things
like, I dunno, eating. Nor was I prioritizing
quiet time in prayer. So, I got the flu,
and got a chance to reevaluate. Besides
the busy thing, I also realized just how much I take health, and my very
comfortable life, for granted. I mean,
for me, I am a huger complainer when I’m sick.
I just felt like it was the worst thing in the world. False.
It wasn’t that bad. I had a nice
camper to stay in, and I could go buy whatever medicine I wanted. I didn’t have to go work in a field all day
or something like that. And I hardly
ever get sick. I was reading a book by
one of my heroes, David Brainerd, who struggled most of his life with
sickness. He said the worst part was
that he couldn’t spend much time in prayer, fasting, and sharing Christ when he
was really sick. I want that kind of undivided heart.
Thanks for reading
everyone! I am super blessed out here,
there is nowhere I would rather be. Hope
to hear from you guys soon J Take care.
PS. Me and Copper
have been running about a seven mile route.
He’s getting in shape. I love
that pup.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Ponies, badgers, and otters
Hello All,
Well, I don't know how to be a teacher yet, but I am getting closer. I have been teaching every day, and I even gave my first test. These last couple of days we have been covering the Native American struggles in the West, which has been pretty intense, partly because I am the only non-Native in the room. Such tragic stuff (I recommend everyone read Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee). It's been good though. Also, I've learned teaching is really a lot of work. Grading... organizing... I am looking forward to getting more efficient at these things. But, teaching is great. I really like it.
Also, I really like living in the country. Walking the dog in the fields last weekend we found our first badger. That was pretty exciting, that critter looked like he could mess a dog up. So, we left him alone. I love being able to go out to the fields at night. Its so peaceful, and the stars are amazing. Really a good place to worship and pray.
Also, Parmelee is a sweet place. Last week I was going to go help out with bible school, but we ended up breaking some wild ponies instead. That.... was really sweet. This last week for bible school (every tuesday), we took a bunch of kids to go paint over grafitti around the dam. And then we made a bridge over a stream and went 'hunting' for otters. I don't get bored here.
That's about it for now. Hoping to go camping this weekend with some guys. Take care everyone :)
Well, I don't know how to be a teacher yet, but I am getting closer. I have been teaching every day, and I even gave my first test. These last couple of days we have been covering the Native American struggles in the West, which has been pretty intense, partly because I am the only non-Native in the room. Such tragic stuff (I recommend everyone read Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee). It's been good though. Also, I've learned teaching is really a lot of work. Grading... organizing... I am looking forward to getting more efficient at these things. But, teaching is great. I really like it.
Also, I really like living in the country. Walking the dog in the fields last weekend we found our first badger. That was pretty exciting, that critter looked like he could mess a dog up. So, we left him alone. I love being able to go out to the fields at night. Its so peaceful, and the stars are amazing. Really a good place to worship and pray.
Also, Parmelee is a sweet place. Last week I was going to go help out with bible school, but we ended up breaking some wild ponies instead. That.... was really sweet. This last week for bible school (every tuesday), we took a bunch of kids to go paint over grafitti around the dam. And then we made a bridge over a stream and went 'hunting' for otters. I don't get bored here.
That's about it for now. Hoping to go camping this weekend with some guys. Take care everyone :)
Saturday, September 1, 2012
A week of action.
Much has changed since my last post, which I guess was only a few days ago. One new experience was I got attacked by a Rottweiler. So now, I have a sweet bite wound on my hand! Also, on tuesday Copper and I went for a nice long through the beautiful SD prairie and saw where a wildfire almost came from to destroy our place, just last week. Yesterday, Copper got his own bite wound from a different dog. That one was intense for us. Wild dogs, prairie rattlers, prairie fires.... welcome to the SD danger zone.
A bigger piece of news is that I now have full time job. Thank you to the 113 of you who approved of that on facebook haha. Tuesday I went into the district office to ask about getting on the substitute teacher list, and it just so happened that a high school social studies teacher had quite just the day before. So, they offered me a full time (long term sub) position teaching two sections of U.S. History and one section of Personal Finance. Seventeen hours later, I was teaching my first class! It was an action-packed experience, for sure. I am really enjoying teaching, though it has its ups and downs. It is such a sweet (and crazy) opportunity to just land in my lap. I get to spend all day with 15-18 year olds, who are at least somewhat willing to listen to what I have to say. I love that :) On the flip side, I get pretty worn out at times as I try to learn to be a teacher, on the fly. I am getting awesome advice from a lot of different people in the building (all of whom are top notch, I really like them) and it is both very helpful and very, very overwhelming.
So,well, I'm just going to try to keep it simple and the everyone will have to be all right with that.
Thursday night I got to be a part of a little prayer meeting with two of my good friends who have lived here for awhile. It was one of the best times ever. A banjo, 3 dogs, 1 cat, and a bunch of turkeys were all a part. Plus a beautiful time of prayer for the rez and for new hearts. Hearts to believe in the father like he deserves to be believed.
With my new teaching commitment, I am trying to be very intentional in not losing my connection to Parmelee and the people over there. Last night I had an awesome time hanging out with my friend Joe, and then walking around town with about 7 kids. I brought Copper with me, and he was a big hit. Apparently he loves kids! So that made me really happy :) Several little girls asked if they could keep him. Had to say no to that one.
I brought along my two boards, and they had a lot of fun rolling around town. We even stoppped by Kary's and spent 50 cents riding the mechanical horse. Last night was a win for sure.
Today, go to school to prep stuff, try to find a weight room, head back to Parmelee, and spend lots of time in prayer.
Cheers everyone, and thanks for reading!
So,well, I'm just going to try to keep it simple and the everyone will have to be all right with that.
Thursday night I got to be a part of a little prayer meeting with two of my good friends who have lived here for awhile. It was one of the best times ever. A banjo, 3 dogs, 1 cat, and a bunch of turkeys were all a part. Plus a beautiful time of prayer for the rez and for new hearts. Hearts to believe in the father like he deserves to be believed.
With my new teaching commitment, I am trying to be very intentional in not losing my connection to Parmelee and the people over there. Last night I had an awesome time hanging out with my friend Joe, and then walking around town with about 7 kids. I brought Copper with me, and he was a big hit. Apparently he loves kids! So that made me really happy :) Several little girls asked if they could keep him. Had to say no to that one.
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Longboard, kids, copper. Good stuff. |
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Copper making a friend. |
I brought along my two boards, and they had a lot of fun rolling around town. We even stoppped by Kary's and spent 50 cents riding the mechanical horse. Last night was a win for sure.
Today, go to school to prep stuff, try to find a weight room, head back to Parmelee, and spend lots of time in prayer.
Cheers everyone, and thanks for reading!
Sunday, August 26, 2012
An honest beginning
Hello Friends
I am super
honored that you are interested enough in me to be reading about what I am
doing, and my little thoughts. I thought
I would write this first post to let you know what I am doing and why I have
created this blog.
For the
past several years of my life I have been connected to the Rosebud Reservation
in South Dakota, especially to the town of Parmelee, SD. I spent three summers here working at the
Boys and Girls Club, and have been really blessed to have a deep connection
with a number of families.
praying all summer (and before), I believe 100% that the reservation is where I
need to be right now. I am committed to
being out here for at least the next six months... possibly more later on, and
possibly forever. I will helping out an
awesome local pastor with his ministry sometimes, as well as substitute
teaching some at Todd County Middle School. For now, my dog Copper and I are
living in a pretty sweet RV in my good friends Greg and Kelly’s backyard. It’s a great place to be a dog… or to be me, because we are in a place we can
run around and do pretty much whatever we want.
Yesterday Copper and me went for a killer run in the hills behind their
place. Saw our deer hunting spots and
gorgeous South Dakota prairie. Ol’
Copper needs to get on his cardio training though. As cool as it is here, I’m hoping to find
something closer to town… the RV is about 40 minutes from Parmelee. There are still a great many question marks,
including a lot of what I will be doing out here, where I will live, how I’ll
make some income, and even what my connection out here will look like long
term. I’m praying to be lead by the
Spirit in all that. And hoping to learn
a lot of faith. I’m pretty bad at
marks aside, my reason for being out here is to see God do what he wants to in
both my life and the lives of those I am with out here. I totally love this place, and there is no
other piece of God’s kingdom and plan I would rather be a part of. I completely believe that Jesus Christ has a
deep love for the people of the rez, and even for me. I’m working on believing that he really will
show that love in tangible ways out here.
I want to do everything I can to be a part of that love, and his
kingdom. Coming out here is my next step
in that journey, and I am so honored to be able to take it.
Copper looking good out front of our pad. |
for reading this long post, and I really look forward to staying in touch with
you all!
Love you guys,
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