Sunday, August 26, 2012

An honest beginning

Hello Friends

                I am super honored that you are interested enough in me to be reading about what I am doing, and my little thoughts.  I thought I would write this first post to let you know what I am doing and why I have created this blog. 

                For the past several years of my life I have been connected to the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota, especially to the town of Parmelee, SD.  I spent three summers here working at the Boys and Girls Club, and have been really blessed to have a deep connection with a number of families. 

                After praying all summer (and before), I believe 100% that the reservation is where I need to be right now.  I am committed to being out here for at least the next six months... possibly more later on, and possibly forever.  I will helping out an awesome local pastor with his ministry sometimes, as well as substitute teaching some at Todd County Middle School. For now, my dog Copper and I are living in a pretty sweet RV in my good friends Greg and Kelly’s backyard.  It’s a great place to be a dog…  or to be me, because we are in a place we can run around and do pretty much whatever we want.  Yesterday Copper and me went for a killer run in the hills behind their place.  Saw our deer hunting spots and gorgeous South Dakota prairie.  Ol’ Copper needs to get on his cardio training though.  As cool as it is here, I’m hoping to find something closer to town… the RV is about 40 minutes from Parmelee.  There are still a great many question marks, including a lot of what I will be doing out here, where I will live, how I’ll make some income, and even what my connection out here will look like long term.  I’m praying to be lead by the Spirit in all that.  And hoping to learn a lot of faith.  I’m pretty bad at that. 

                Question marks aside, my reason for being out here is to see God do what he wants to in both my life and the lives of those I am with out here.  I totally love this place, and there is no other piece of God’s kingdom and plan I would rather be a part of.  I completely believe that Jesus Christ has a deep love for the people of the rez, and even for me.  I’m working on believing that he really will show that love in tangible ways out here.  I want to do everything I can to be a part of that love, and his kingdom.  Coming out here is my next step in that journey, and I am so honored to be able to take it. 
Copper looking good out front of our pad.
           Thanks for reading this long post, and I really look forward to staying in touch with you all! 

Love you guys,


  1. This is super exciting- glad to have you joining us out here for a while. I really like what you articulated in that last paragraph-- God is doing something good here, and it makes me excited all over again at the hope of having a part in it! Welcome to the Rez. :)

    1. Thanks so much Melany!! I love, love, love what you do out here :)
