So, I
need to get better at blog updating. Once
a week, that’s my goal. Ah well, some is better than none. I’ve been doing a lot of teaching the last
couple weeks, and I actually feel like I’m getting the hang of it a bit
more. Things are settling in a bit for
me, which has meant I haven’t needed to
spend quite so long working on stuff after school every day. So that’s encouraging. Another good thing with teaching, is that the
school has given me sort of a consultant to help me learn how to develop lesson
plans, since I really have been learning as I go. It’s a friend of mine, Dylan, who taught out
here for a few years but now is doing grad school. He is going to be sending me ideas and
materials. Should be really helpful, and
he’s a super cool guy.
since my last post, I got to lead worship at the church in Parmelee. I haven’t lead on guitar in a few years, so
it was pretty cool to be able to step back into that. And I think it will be good for the people
there, because prior to me worship was on a tape recorder. So, I’m thankful for the opportunity to help
out! I’ll probably be doing that almost
every week. I love that place. I got
to be a part of their alcoholics recovery group last Tuesday too, which was a
pretty beautiful thing. A bunch of people
who have realized they can’t do it on their own, and are trusting in someone
greater than themselves to help them.
Who realize that they need each other, and that helping each other is
one of the first ways to help themselves.
Pretty cool.
As I write
this, I am just getting over the flu. I
missed school yesterday for it. Not the
most fun night of my life. But this
time, I can totally see God teaching me something through it. I was being way too busy friends. I mean, this last week, I would be at school
for ten hours, which can tire me out, and then I would drive straight to
Parmelee. I didn’t make time for things
like, I dunno, eating. Nor was I prioritizing
quiet time in prayer. So, I got the flu,
and got a chance to reevaluate. Besides
the busy thing, I also realized just how much I take health, and my very
comfortable life, for granted. I mean,
for me, I am a huger complainer when I’m sick.
I just felt like it was the worst thing in the world. False.
It wasn’t that bad. I had a nice
camper to stay in, and I could go buy whatever medicine I wanted. I didn’t have to go work in a field all day
or something like that. And I hardly
ever get sick. I was reading a book by
one of my heroes, David Brainerd, who struggled most of his life with
sickness. He said the worst part was
that he couldn’t spend much time in prayer, fasting, and sharing Christ when he
was really sick. I want that kind of undivided heart.
Thanks for reading
everyone! I am super blessed out here,
there is nowhere I would rather be. Hope
to hear from you guys soon J Take care.
PS. Me and Copper
have been running about a seven mile route.
He’s getting in shape. I love
that pup.
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