Saturday, November 10, 2012

Life and prayers

Hey all,

  Snow is falling outside now.  Not my favorite event, but stoked to have a warm home!  Especially because a month ago I was seriously considering living in a heavy duty tent for the winter.  Yup, this is better.  

  Hedog is a fun place to live.  Best of all, we all have dogs!  Today, Copper and I had a surprise visitor.  This little pup came wandering over to our place, so Copper said, "aw, come on in pal".  I figured the best thing to do when trying not to get attached is to give the stray a name, so "Daisy" had breakfast with us.  Then she wandered back (hopefully) to her home.  

  My life, like I tell you guys, is very blessed.  I still have a sweet job teaching, and I even was offered a full-time one year contract.  So that should go through soon, and then I can receive a temporary teaching certificate.  Pretty sweet that SD doesnt require an ED degree :).  My favorite part of teaching by far is getting my students to think about real questions.  Last week we discussed racism (launched off WW2 internment camps) and what genocide reveals to us about human nature (launched off the holocaust).  Such a sweet opportunity I have been given to be with these kids.

 Guys, sometimes I get way too stressed on little stuff.  Or offended.  Or too worried what people think.  I was praying today for God to pull me up above that and to give me his mind and heart for the people/situations around me.  Jesus gave us some exceedingly precious promises in his word, and I SO want to see these things play out!  Stuff like answered prayers, changed hearts, transformed lives... I want it for me, and I especially want it for the super dear friends I have.  A lot of Jesus' promises were centered on faith.... "believe in me, and.....".  Father, give me faith.  Father let me be a person who thinks deeply about you and those around you, and who drinks deeply from your living water.

  Tonight, my awesome neighbor Melanie and I are having a bunch of kids over to watch a movie.  Lord of the Rings.  Mike Moran, I wish you were here.  Should be really fun.

  For those of you who read this and pray, I would love to have your prayers for the kids and adults around me and especially for my own heart, that it would be so faithful to its calling.  I need those prayers a lot.  Thanks so much guys!


This is a picture I found from last month when we went down to Merritt Dam for the day.  Love it :)

Cheers everyone, and thanks for reading!

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