Hello All
It’s been a very
long time. Sorry, blog family! The end of fall semester ended up being a
pretty busy time and stress was abundant.
I got to come home for Christmas break (an awesome part of teaching) and
that has been very refreshing. It was a
great to chance to stop and breathe and think about life. I had time to read, to drink coffee, to sleep, to walk Copper, and to see a lot of people I love. I’m super blessed to
have a break and also to have an awesome community to return to... and to have a family that welcomes Spaniels.
We had some good times since I posted last. I have the awesome opportunity of hanging out with some super cool kids. Some of those times looked like this...
At church, we had a birthday cake for Jesus. We couldn't fit 2013 candles... he got 24, which is how many were in the box. Pretty much the best birthday party.
Judd, mastering choc chip pancakes at my house. |
So, a few weeks
ago I was in many ways very burned out on teaching and even on living where I
do. The long hours, stress, and lack of
recreation wore a hole into my soul. Not
that I didn’t have very many things to be thankful for, cause I do, but I got
really tired. For a long time I was sort
of living in such a way as to pour 100% of my energy into whatever I was doing,
and I have realized that just isn’t sustainable. Nope, I can’t do it all… and I shouldn’t act
like it.
Like a branch on a
vine, I need to be filled up from somewhere… or I fall off and die. Luckily, a vine is available. Jesus said he was it, and I’m going to
believe him. He also said that we will
receive whatever we ask him, if we abide in him. I really want to realize this situation of
getting my strength for life from a source bigger than myself. Cause I can’t do it. But the power of God can. By “it” I mean I really want to see better
things come. Better things for where I
live, for the people I know, and even for me.
The better things are mostly Jesus Christ, and the unbelievable new way
of life he talked about.
So the cool thing
guys, is he says that I can maybe not totally burn myself out, and he will still
use my small efforts to spread the ‘better thing’ that is God’s kingdom. For real, I think it comes from living to
please one person. Whatever job any of
us has, or whatever else we’re trying to do, we need to remember who all of it
is for. And he said
“Are you tired? Worn out?
Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your
life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with
me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything
heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live
freely and lightly.” (Matthew
18, Message Bible)
So I
dunno. This next semester, and on, I am
going to try to live my life in a little bit healthier way. Eat better, sleep better, do a few things
well, all that good wisdom. Giving 100%,
but in a sustainable way. Cause I don’t
want to fall off the vine and DIE. Key
to sustainability… abiding in time with
Christ. Keeping a pure conscience before
him, and only him. And also.. not always
burning the candle at both ends. Candles
die too.
I am
excited for next semester. New students,
and one new class, economics. Should be
a whole new adventure! It will be a lot
better, I think, starting on day one. Last
time I parachuted in after things were rolling, and had no idea what was
ahead. This time, it’s a different
situation. Besides my ramble above about
how I want to live, I want to spend more time in town (in Parmelee) with
friends and kids there. Copper and I
want to go on more runs, and cook more. And
I’m going to start a lifting club at school.
In spite of the hours, I love my school… the staff there is the best you
could ask for.
This is probably a long enough blog post. More to follow… Hope you enjoyed reading, everyone.
I took this one evening out front of our place. One of Copper's favorite pastimes is chasing cats onto and around this dumpster.